Kiosks are digital systems developed to facilitate people's work during the day and to save time. It provides high quality, reliable and fast processing.
Before starting our kiosk production, we conduct research about the region where the installation will be made and decide on the materials to be used before manufacturing, taking into account climatic conditions and positioning. Our Kioks models that we have designed are designed for needs and manufactured with appropriate materials. The software that will be used in the Kioks models will guide the user and allow him to make the process more convenient and easy. We ensure user information by designing the security status of the software content at the highest level. In order to provide our customers with a better result, we provide better quality and long-lasting kioks manufacturing by considering all situations. Especially in our high-tech CNC machines, we produce quality solutions with zero errors.
The aesthetic and functional characteristics of the Kioks models that we have designed as Cubex Atm are very remarkable and are developed according to the needs of our customers.
In order to be the pioneer of the sector, all kinds of services related to maintenance and repair will be provided by ensuring customer satisfaction and guaranteeing the quality of the manufactured products in the production of Kioks.
Our products are certified by the Turkish Patent Institute.